This FAQ is for DMEM Students - answers may not apply to students in other Departments/Faculties

General Questions and Answers are below

Questions and Answers specific to working from home are here

Questions and Answers specific to a particular Class are here

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Category Question Answer

DMEM Information

Where can I find when my assessments are due to be handed in?

FAQ Direct Link

You can find your Assessment Loading on the DMEM Student Information SharePoint site at:

DMEM Information

Get the MDFs (Module Descriptor Forms)

FAQ Direct Link

NB These links work only for people with a University user account.

Undergraduate 2022-23 MDFs:

Postgraduate 2022-23 MDFs:

DMEM Information

Where are the induction/registration slides ?

FAQ Direct Link

First year slides can be found at
Second year slides can be found at
Third year slides can be found at
Fourth year slides can be found at
Fifth year slides can be found at
Postgraduate slides can be found at

The contents of these links will be updated each year, so if downloading at the start of a session, please ensure they are for the coming academic session, if they're not, then try again a few days after induction/registration.

DMEM Information

Where are the DMEM Safety Regulations?

FAQ Direct Link


DMEM Information

DMEM PGT Safety Induction

FAQ Direct Link

The slides for this induction are available at

DMEM Information

Jury Duty - Can the department provide a letter for Jury Duty exemption?

FAQ Direct Link

Yes, letters for jury duty exemption can be provided, if you require one please email the relevant email address
Undergraduate -
Postgraduate -
Postgraduate Research -

DMEM Information

The DMEM Instagram account

FAQ Direct Link

If you have any photos or videos you'd like to see published on the strath_dmem instagram account please email with this.

DMEM Information

Transfer between BEng and MEng

FAQ Direct Link

It is possible to transfer between these streams depending on a number of conditions. Primarily your grades need to allow that. You need a 60% or higher average in your exams to either stay in the MEng stream or transfer to it. Your year adviser will usually contact you in May, seeking your wishes, and if your marks allow, pass your request on at the exam board, where such changes are officially ratified. It is possible to transfer outwith exam boards, your year adviser will inform you of the necessary paperwork and approval procedure. The most important transfer request is at the end of your 4th year exams, as that is the last chance to make such a transfer. It is not uncommon for a student, depending on exam marks, to change a number of times between the two streams during their studies.

DMEM Information

I plan to miss a class.

FAQ Direct Link

Missing classes isn't something to be recommended, but may be necessary on occasion. Before missing a class you should check with the class registrar to ensure you're not missing anything important, such as a class test, or examination etc. They will also advise you on how best to catch up, and where any class materials or tutorials may be found.

DMEM Information

I need help

FAQ Direct Link

It depends on the help you think you need. If you need help in a particular class, then approach the teaching staff, or the class registrar. If you still are not happy, then contact your year adviser (undergraduate students) or Theme Leader (PgDip/MSc students). These individuals are a good point of contact for a wide range of help, they will try and help you, and if they can do it themselves, will do so, but will also know who to refer you to speak with if you need specialist expertise or help.

DMEM Information

The DMEM website

FAQ Direct Link

DMEM Information

The DMEM facebook page

FAQ Direct Link

DMEM Information

The DMEM twitter feed

FAQ Direct Link

DMEM Information

The DMEM LinkedIn page

FAQ Direct Link

DMEM Information

Find my class Rep

FAQ Direct Link

Check out where they should be listed, they may also appear in

DMEM Information

Sending emails to groups of DMEM students/staff

FAQ Direct Link

If you would like to make a request to send an email to a group of DMEM staff or students eg in connection with an event or a research project, please send the email to your respective student email box ie;;

The email will be reviewed by staff to assess if appropriate to forward and the email will then be forwarded by a member of the Admin Team, on your behalf


Require a Meeting Room for Group Discussions

FAQ Direct Link

If you require a meeting room to discuss group work etc. There are rooms available in the library to be booked out by students. More information regarding this can be found on the website, below is the link on how to go about booking library rooms:


How much are prints/copies?

FAQ Direct Link

Full details at:

But prices at time of writing are:

A4 mono = 5p

A4 colour = 10p

A3 mono = 10p

A3 colour = 20p


How do I print, copy or scan in DMEM?

FAQ Direct Link

Student printing is now provided by Information Services so is seamless across all buildings, centrally managed labs and the Windows Virtual Desktops. In James Weir there are A3 printers in the JW706a Studio and Level 3 corridor outside room JW305 and an A4 device in the JW411 centrally managed lab.

You can find more information about student printing at:


Booking a PGT meeting room

FAQ Direct Link

If you require a room to meet with an external client to discuss project work, or have a skype conversation etc. - then our PGT meeting rooms are available. If the room is free at the time you require it can be booked instantly using the evoko screen outside the room, However, if you want to guarantee that the room will be free for a specific date and time, then come to the office (7.01x) with your details (group no.,your e-mail address and client's name) and we will make the booking for you.


How do I raise a Student Employment Claim?

FAQ Direct Link

Students can raise a Student Employee Claim, by accessing Pegasus and clicking on the Additional Services Tab. Select the link for Student Employment Claims. Complete the online form and submit the claim. Claims for payment are then processed through to the appropriate department and budgetary signatories for approval. Once approved, students will receive their claims on a monthly basis direct to their bank account.

Please note: All Student Employment Claims require a Guaranteed-hours Assignment to be created in the system before the student engages in the work related to the claim - no Student Employment Claim can be processed without a prior assignment being raised. It is imperative that for work you undertake within the department, you ensure the staff member(s) employing you have followed this procedure, and that you have been emailed a Guaranteed-hours Assignment number prior to engaging in work - emails confirming assignment numbers will be sent from Failure to comply with the above will result in non-payment of any subsequent claims.

We are required by law to copy and retain documentation that provides proof of your Right to Work in the UK. Claims will only be processed if right to work evidence is recorded. Tier 4 students are required to [re]present their RTW evidence on an annual basis; this is to ensure their eligibility to work [which may be distinct from their eligibility to study] remains valid.

There is a 3 month time-limit for claims to processed. Failure to submit claims or Right to Work evidence within this time limit will result in non-payment of claims.


Jury Duty - Can the Department provide me with a letter to request that I be excused Jury Duty?

FAQ Direct Link

Yes, please raise a ticket and make the request through the Supportal and the relevant admin team will respond to you


What laptop should I buy?

FAQ Direct Link

We cannot recommend any specific laptop because the market changes so much however there is a guideline document available at:

Please note that we do not recommend or support Apple Mac laptops in DMEM

Student Resources

My SolidWorks student license has expired; how do I get the new Serial Number (Activation Code)

FAQ Direct Link

Just follow the instructions in the answer to FAQ Get the Student version of SolidWorks and this will send an email with the new details. Do bear in mind that if you reactivate an older version you will not be able to open parts that have been created with a newer version such as in the University computer labs.

Student Resources

How do I register for MySolidWorks?

FAQ Direct Link

You can find detailed instructions for registering for MySolidWorks at:

Student Resources

Where is SolidWorks and other software installed in the University?

FAQ Direct Link

Any software installed on centrally managed IT labs can be located by searching for "lab software" on the University website or by going directly to the following page

SolidWorks is included in this list and is installed in most centrally managed labs across the university. DMEM currently has the latest version (2022) in our own DDMS lab and in the Studio. The centrally managed labs are also on this version (but the version noted in the software list on the University website *may* be out of date).

Student Resources

I get an error when trying to access a video linked from MyPlace

FAQ Direct Link

If you get the error "It looks like there's a problem" which mentions cookies being blocked then you have two options: either enable 3rd party cookies in the browser you use or click on "Open in new window" More details at:

Student Resources

Get help with Maths

FAQ Direct Link

The Maths Skills Support Centre provides academic support to all students who require help with the mathematics they encounter in their course. They un drop in sessions or you can make appointments for individual support. Check out their website for details

Student Resources

I am having trouble with Affinity student license

FAQ Direct Link

We have seen a few problems with licensing of the student version of the Affinity products and the cause is not clear. What does seem to fix it is to uninstall and then download and install the latest version from:

and try activating again. If that fails please contact with the activation code you are using.

Student Resources

How do I transfer a SolidWorks student license to a new computer?

FAQ Direct Link

We have a limited number of SolidWorks student licenses therefore it is important to uninstall the software or deactivate the license before transferring from an old PC to a new one to ensure that one of the licenses is not used up needlessly. Instructions for deactivating a license are here:

If you are unable to uninstall or deactivate a license, perhaps because an old machine has stopped working, it would be helpful if you could notify


Test the Supportal

FAQ Direct Link

You can raise a new query in the Supportal, and in the Category drop down menu select "Supportal Test" - save the Query, and your Query will be processed, a solution added, an email sent to you, and the Query automatically closed.


Suggest a FAQ?

FAQ Direct Link

Raise a new Query, and in the Category select "Supportal Suggestion" Enter you suggestion in the Details field before Submitting.


How do I get Supportal Help?

FAQ Direct Link

Raise new Query, and at the Category select "Supportal Help", enter details in the Description field, then Submit.

University Information

Is there any advice on online assessments and exams provided by the university?

FAQ Direct Link

Yes there is!

There is a comprehensive FAQ provided for the upcoming exam period giving a general overview on how the university intends the assessment period to run

There is also a student "checklist" for online assessment:

...and the Study Skills team also haveadvice on their myplace page:

University Information

Library Induction - where can I get a copy of the Induction Session slides?

FAQ Direct Link

There is now an online Library Induction video which can be accessed from the main Library web page at:

University Information

University Holidays

FAQ Direct Link

The key dates for the current acadmic session are available on the University's website:

University Information

I'm ill

FAQ Direct Link

It depends on the length of time that your illness lasts, or is expected to last You may be able to self-certify, if however your illness lasts more than a week, or you miss an exam, a medical certificate is required. Such evidence should be submitted to Student Business (Located in the McCance building

In addition to formal evidence, you should also use Pegasus ( to record mitigating circumstances, eg how your illness has impacted on your ability to study.

University Information

Change of Address

FAQ Direct Link

We need to keep in contact with you as a number of important communications will be sent to you If you do change address, you should update your details in Pegasus (

University Information

Student Disability and Wellbeing Service - how do I contact the Service?

FAQ Direct Link

Please see the web page for contact details and further information

University Information

How can I get help for my disability?

FAQ Direct Link

University Information

I would like to speak to someone about my mental health

FAQ Direct Link

University Information

Where can I get information about my timetable?

FAQ Direct Link or download the Strathclyde app

University Information

The Strathclyde University App - where can I get the app?

FAQ Direct Link

You can download the Strathclyde App here:

University Information

How can I see a map of the Campus?

FAQ Direct Link

University Information

Exam timetable

FAQ Direct Link

The Exam Timetable is organised centrally by SEES and will be published in Pegasus. It is your responsibility to check the timetable to find out about the dates and times of your exams. The link to the SEES web page is

University Information

I'm an elite athlete.

FAQ Direct Link

The university runs an elite athlete scheme. This enables elite athletes to continue with their training/competition in addition to their studies. Elite athletes should contact their year advisers, who will be able to work out how best to accommodate their training, competition and studies - depending on the needs of the individual.

University Information

How can I find out the date of my graduation ceremony?

FAQ Direct Link

Graduation dates are announced and available on the university website

There are 2 graduation ceremonies per year; last week of June and first week of November. The precise dates are announced in March each year.

University Information

I have a question about Council Tax

FAQ Direct Link

If you have any questions about Council Tax please contact the Student Lifecycle Services team.

Their office is on Level 1 in the McCance building and is open Monday to Friday from 10am until 4pm.

You can get in touch by email: Faculty of Engineering

University Information

Red Card

FAQ Direct Link

The standard hours of access for University buildings are Monday to Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

Out of Hours Access

Students who require access to the department outwith normal hours require both a:

* DMEM Access Card DMEM Access Cards can be purchased through the University's Online Shop. The fee is a £10.00 deposit which is refundable on return of the card.

* University Red Card

Signed Red Cards are issued to all new students at Induction Sessions. Otherwise, they can be obtained from the DMEM Departmental Office, 7th Floor, James Weir Building. A Red Card is free of charge and provide out of hours access to the relevant DMEM areas within the James Weir Building. ie weekdays, 6 pm - 10 pm and weekends 8 am - 6 pm. Should you require out-of-hours access to IT Service Labs the Red Card should be countersigned by staff at the IT Helpdesk in the Andersonian Library.

Students are required to show both cards to University Security personnel to gain entry to buildings outwith normal business hours. Cards provide access to the department between the hours of:

* 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Monday to Friday

* 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Saturday / Sunday

University Information

What are normal University opening hours, and can I get access to buildings outwith these hours?

FAQ Direct Link

The standard hours of access for University buildings are Monday to Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

Out of Hours Access

Students who require access to the department outwith normal hours require both a:

* DMEM Access Card for UG and PGT students only DMEM Access Cards can be purchased through the University's Online Shop. The fee is a £10.00 deposit which is refundable on return of the card. PGR students are provided with an Access Card when they commence their studies.

* University Red Card

Signed Red Cards can be requested from the DMEM Departmental Office, 7th Floor, James Weir Building. Should you require out-of-hours access to IT Service Labs the Red Card should be countersigned by staff at the IT Helpdesk in the Andersonian Library. Red cards are provided free of charge.

Students are required to show both cards to University Security personnel to gain entry to buildings outwith normal business hours. Cards provide access to the department between the hours of:

* 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Monday to Friday

* 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Saturday / Sunday

University Information

What are Vertically Integrated Projects (VIPs)?

FAQ Direct Link

VIP homepage -

DMEM Information

Student Handbook

FAQ Direct Link

You can find your handbook on the DMEM Student Information SharePoint site.
Undergraduate (BEng/MEng, BSc/MSci) -

Postgraduate Taught (PgDip/MSc) -

Postgraduate Taught (PgDip/MSc) January 2022 intake -

Postgraduate Research (PhD, MPhil, EngD) - Link to be added

Student Resources

Get the Student version of SolidWorks

FAQ Direct Link

As part of our SolidWorks Education Campus License we get access to student licenses for use on personal laptops and PCs. Because we have a limited number of licenses they can be used only by DMEM, MAE and other eligible students so we require you to accept an agreement that you will not pass on the license information nor install the software on more than one computer without authorisation from a member of staff. You will also have to agree not to use the software for research or commercial purposes.

Go here for further information and to request the license information and agree to the terms:

You will need to log in with your University email and password to access the agreement form.

The current version available for download is SolidWorks 2023, sometimes also referred to as SolidWorks 2023-2024; the Education edition is released after the Commercial edition and the next version is not due until late spring/early summer.

Student Resources

I am off campus, I have a computer, but it does not have the OS/processor/memory/graphics to run SolidWorks. What could I do?

FAQ Direct Link

The best option is likely to be using a Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD). See this FAQ answer:

Autodesk provides all of their products free for educational purposes including Inventor (engineering), Fusion 360 (Product Design), AutoCAD (2D mainly and some 3D) and Alias (Advanced Surface Modelling). There is Mac compatibility, however, your machine may struggle with these too if older

If you are working on surface modelling for product design in modules like DM300 and DM982, Rhino3D is a very good package which is available in DMEM labs and there is a 90 day fully functional trial available for download. The package works on both Windows and Mac

Where it is difficult to install a package on your machine, then it is worth trying Onshape. This is a cloud based CAD package (no install, runs entirely in an internet browser on Windows, Mac or Linux) which provides many of the same features as SolidWorks, including surfacing, solid modelling, FEA and 2D layouts. Free accounts are available for education

Student Resources

I am off campus and do not have access to electronics prototyping systems, such as Arduino, what could I do?

FAQ Direct Link

TinkerCAD provides an online simulator for Arduino with an extension library of parts which allows you to develop circuits, circuit/system diagrams, animations of working prototypes and code which can be later be transferred to a real Arduino. Accounts are free for students

Student Resources

I am off campus and do not have access to physical prototyping materials or equipment, what could I do?

FAQ Direct Link

In this case images, pencil sketches, renders, simple homemade (well made) models are the best way forward. Do as much research online as you can, use that research to inform your design/idea/product. Remember that showing why something will not work (at the moment) is just as valid as showing a positive result. Your research will support your project. You may come across something surprising.

Some designs and forms can be made to high standard at home using paper, card, cardboard etc using a craft knife/scalpel and various off the shelf stuff. PVA, all purpose glue (UHU) rules, protractors, masking tape etc….

When folding or creasing card you can use a ball point pen (on the unseen side if possible) to create a crease for bending. Before you fold/assemble/glue your model check if you need to cut any holes or add details beforehand. This may be impossible and messy to do afterwards. Make every cut and crease count. Make sure your blade is sharp. Measure twice, cut once. If you get glue on your hands or fingers wipe it off before handling your model further. There is almost nothing worse than glue where it is not wanted on a model. There is a lot of good stuff (some rubbish) on Youtube demonstrating how to work with card/paper and cardboard. Take a look.

Some good ones are: 30x40 Design Workshop: – This one in particular is good

Eric Strebel (an Industrial Designer in the US) – Model making a cube with a notch – good for technique In fact, he’s got content on all sorts:

Some good books are:

Jackson, P. (2011). Folding Techniques for Designers-From Sheet to Form. Laurence King Publishing. Jackson, P. (2012). Structural packaging: design your own boxes and 3-D forms. London: Laurence King Publishing. Yoshiharu S.; Takashi K.; Masazo T.; Shinji M. (1991) Models and Prototypes. Books Nippan.

Making models and maquettes by hand and experiencing the design and materials will make you a better more rounded designer. If it goes wrong? Reflect on it and make it again, only better.

Student Resources

Can I get Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign and if not what should I do?

FAQ Direct Link

Adobe software is very expensive and they no longer offer perpetual licenses so you can use the software only as long as you keep paying. They offer a reduced rate for students however even that is still expensive particularly for relatively infrequent users:

The University has a site license for the Affinity graphics software suite - Photo, Publisher and Designer - and free 1 year licenses are available to all students to use on personal computers. The Affinity products are broadly equivalent to Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator and are now legitimate alternatives with many design houses using these products instead of Adobe. Should you prefer to buy your own license, their pricing is very competitive (often discounted) and is a one off payment. They are also currently providing a 90 day trial for students
More information and a link to request a student license can be found on 'DMEM Student Resource Page' on Myplace:

Note that often the preference for either Adobe or Affinity is their exact colour control for printing. However, excellent results (onscreen and in print) and most of the same onscreen effects and features can be achieved using different and freely available software.

Free Photoshop alternatives:
GIMP is an open source (free) photo editor which has a very similar feature set to Adobe Photoshop – there is very little that could not be achieved with GIMP and there is good community support and tutorials available

Free Indesign alternatives:
Much can be achieved with PowerPoint in terms of page design and layout. As a Strathclyde student you should also be able to access Microsoft Publisher which has a very small learning curve and is effective for creating folio, brochure and poster layouts. An open source alternative is Scribus

Free Illustrator alternatives:
Illustration and creation of vector graphics is probably a less commonly utilised tool for DMEM students. However, there are good opportunities in folio creation for this and there is a very good open source alternative in Inkscape

This article brings up more options, some of which are paid but have free versions:

Student Resources

I want to undertake in depth material selection for my project and have heard of Granta (CES) EduPack; is this available to me?

FAQ Direct Link

There used to be a student version of EduPack which could be installed on personal devices but unfortunately since Ansys took over the product this is no longer available.

Granta EduPack is installed on the University Windows Virtual Desktops and is also available on the JW308 Digital Design and Manufacture Studio (DDMS) and JW706 Studio computers.

The premier book on materials selection for product designers, following the same procedures as EduPack is available as an Ebook from the library Ashby, M., Johnson, K., & Elsevier. (2014). Materials and design : The art and science of material selection in product design / [internet resource] (Third ed.).

Often knowing what other things are made and how they are made is a good starting point for material selection. We also have the ebook online for this excellent book: Lefteri, C. (2012). Making it [internet resource] : Manufacturing techniques for product design (2nd ed.). London: Laurence King Pub.

SolidWorks has an extensive materials library and the analysis done in SolidWorks linked with the materials library is a very effective way of selecting and justifying materials choices. Another amazing feature of our SolidWorks license is that it has the Matereality ( materials selection database built in. Here is a video providing a quick demonstration

Student Resources

I don’t have a document/photo scanner at home, what is a good way of getting hand written or sketched work into my folio / report?

FAQ Direct Link

DMEM photocopiers can be used as scanners into which you feed multiple sheets, single of double sided. Scans are converted to PDF and emailed to you. Please note emails bigger than 20 MB may not send and therefore by mindful of scanning large documents with lots of images; try splitting up.

It nearly safe to assume that a majority of DMEM students have either an apple or android phone. If that is you, then consider using your phone for easy and quality scanning.

CamScanner (for iOS or Android) or Office Lens (for iOS, Android or Microsoft). Both of these are mainly meant for document scanning (as well as receipts and business cards), but their image scanning is great too. Both have great edge detection and perspective fixing… so no wonky images at odd angles to tidy up. Both include optical character recognition (OCR), so depending on how neat your writing is, they will automatically capture that in an editable format too.

Other worthy scanning apps are Scanbot (super fast if you have lots of separate sketches to scan in one go), Evernote’s Scannable, and TinyScanner (iOS or Android). Evernote itself has a great image scanner, and will save your photos directly to your Evernote or to any other one of your favourite clouds. If you don’t use Evernote, then the stand-alone Scannable app is worth a try.

Adobe Capture CC (iOS and Android) can capture your sketches as vectorised images. It does a tremendous job of cleaning up, clarifying and smoothing out the lines of the sketch.

SketchBook by Autodesk (iOS and Android). SketchBook not only lets you import an image as a new shot from your camera, but it lets you erase the colour of the paper behind the sketch, so that it sits on a transparent background. This is super useful if you want to add layers of colour ‘behind’ your sketch.

Student Resources

I have a CAD model and need to visualise it in a realistic environment for a client or in my folio, how could I do this? [Augmented Reality, AR]

FAQ Direct Link

Try Augmented Reality (AR). Free or low cost apps allow you to superimpose your model in the room you are in using a clever QR code system. For example edrawings from solidworks and vurforia from PTC can do this.

Student Resources

I need help with Finite Element Analysis (FEA), what is available?

FAQ Direct Link

We cover this for the first time in DM303 Engineering Design in year 3. Referring back to that material on myplace should help with the basics of setting up a static study in SolidWorks as well as mesh control, advanced fixtures and loads through split lines and optimisation studies.

The level 5 DM923 Product Modelling and Visualisation class also provides an introduction to FEA.

There are many examples and tutorials online, however, selecting which to do will be determined by the design scenario that is to be analysed. There are some good introductory examples included in SolidWorks tutorial library, and an excellent enhanced version of the inbuilt tutorials is included in: Akin, J. E. (2010). Finite element analysis concepts: via SolidWorks. World Scientific. Available here:

SDC publishing also provides a number of very useful books on the topic with lots of examples and model files. Some of these books are in Strathclyde Library, but also have extensive previews on google books (so extensive that they are useable). For example: Shih, R. (2014). Introduction to finite element analysis using solidworks simulation 2014. SDC publications. Nudehi, S., & Steffen, J. (2018). Analysis of Machine Elements Using SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2018. SDC Publications.

There is also a good general ebook on FEA for designers in the online university library Kurowski, P., & Society of Automotive Engineers, publisher. (2017). Finite element analysis for design engineers / [internet resource] (Second ed., Society of Automotive Engineers. Electronic publications). Available here:

Longer term DMEM will be providing opportunities to become certified as Solidworks Simulation user. Updates will be provided.

Student Resources

I need to work with my project team who are all in different locations, how could I do this?

FAQ Direct Link

Many students will naturally use the tools they are used to, Facebook Messenger, whatsapp, google docs, skype... If your team are all familiar and happy to use these then that could be the best option.

Zoom is a very good meeting software platform which can provide easy and professional settup of meetings with team mates, clients or academic staff. Many prefer it over skype. Meetings can be voice only, webcam for face to face and it is possible for all participants to share screens for discussing documents or work collaboratively on software such as SolidWorks. It is available to use for staff and students at: Click 'host' to immediately start a meeting and invite people to join through email.

All students have access to up to 1TB of space on Onedrive for Business. Files and folders can be shared amongst team members to ensure work is backed up and available to everyone. Access and find out more here

Student Resources

I want to improve my sketching at home, what could I do?

FAQ Direct Link

There are lots of videos, etc. offering advice on how to draw things. Many are freely available on YouTube, some are linked below.

Scott Robertson is a designer and design educator who has worked on another of high-level projects, including concept art for Minority Report, design work for Nike, Nissan, Mattel Toys and Sony Entertainment. “How to Draw” by Scott Robertson Username: howtodraw Password: howtodraw

“How to Render” by Scott Robertson Username: howtorender Password: howtorender

From YouTube: Spencer Nugent is “Sketch-a-day” and uploads lots of videos documenting his drawing process

The Design Sketchbook has a series of videos on how to draw, as well as regular drawing content.

There are many others, but these should keep you all going initially until the next MADE on Wednesdays sketching workshop in DMEM!

Student Resources

I would like support from technical staff for my project or assignment whilst off campus, what is the best way to get this?

FAQ Direct Link

Technicians are available for advice online. If you need to ask us for advice please first email us with your questions. Unless it is a simple question please send us images and a synopsis of your project/idea, what you want to make and what you need to achieve. Remember that you are familiar with your design, we will not be and so need more background information and images to allow us help you.

If you are not sure which Technician to ask just email one of us and we’ll advise (Dino) (Tam)

Once we have had the chance to review your work, we can then look to discuss things further via email, zoom, skype or phone.

There are many online resources available to you, this could be the library or youtube. There will be stuff on myplace also. Unless you have already done so, a physical model will be difficult for anyone to make. So images, pencil sketches, renders, simple homemade (well made) models will suffice. Do as much research online as you can, use that research to inform your design/idea/product. Remember that showing why something will not work (at the moment) is just as valid as showing a positive result. Your research will support your project. You may come across something surprising.

Student Resources

I need some guidance on creating folios for my design project work, where can I get that?

FAQ Direct Link

We have provided a set of curated Folio generation tutorials at the DMEM Student Resource Myplace page. this includes: document settup, Graphics, Text layout, Page Layout, Finale and Branding. Direct link here

Student Resources

Can I access the DMEM E-book Library from home?

FAQ Direct Link

Yes. DMEM has curated a collection of e-books relevant to DMEM modules and courses which is accessible through a physical QR code library on the wall of the DMEM studio. The same collection of titles, which is growing, can also be accessed through the DMEM Student resource page here:

Student Resources

I am off campus, how do I access specialist DMEM and University software?

FAQ Direct Link

The University has deployed a Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) environment to allow specialist teaching applications to be made available to the University community for use off campus and from a wide range of devices. These can be accessed using a web brower at:

or you can get better performance by downloading the Remote Desktop Client from:

Currently (2021-22) there are two WVDs available: "Express '21" with Office and Project and "Student '21" which has most of the software available in the centrally managed labs including

  • SolidWorks 2021
  • Rhino 6
  • DFMA
  • EDGECAM 2020.0
  • Granta (formerly CES) EduPack 2021

There is more detail about the WVDs at:

Student Resources

I am having a problem with SolidWorks

FAQ Direct Link

There are a few issues with SolidWorks that we tend to see more commonly:

1) Error message when installing: "Microsoft SQL Server failed to install. Instance name TEW_SQLEXPRESS is already in use. To continue, specify a unique instance name."

This happens when the SolidWorks installer tries to add a SQL Server database but can't because there is an existing version with the same name. The simplest fix is to choose Custom installation and remove SolidWorks Electrical from the options. We don't usually use SolidWorks Electrical but if you are sure you require it then you either need to uninstall the existing SQL Server Express instance or change the installation configuration for SolidWorks Electrical to give the database instance a different name.

2) Error message when installing: "Unsupported SQL Server Version. SQL Server 2016 or later is required"

SQL Server 2014 Express was installed by SolidWorks 2021 and several prior versions but SolidWorks 2022 no longer supports this version. It is needed only for SolidWorks Electrical so options are either to uninstall SQL Server (from Add/Remove Programs) or do a Custom Install and omit SolidWorks Electrical.

3) When I try to close SolidWorks I get an error message that says “The operating system is not presently configured to run this application.”

This is a known conflict between SolidWorks 2020 and Office 365. This page has one solution involving installing an older version of the Microsoft Access Database Engine: and this page tells you how to roll back Office updates:

Student Resources

Can I get a student copy of Microsoft Office?

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Yes, Office365 ProPlus is a service which is now available to all registered undergraduate and postgraduate taught students who have an Office365 account. Further details and an installation guide are available here:

University Information

I want to access my files (Onedrive for Business, H: and I: drives) at home, how do I do that?

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The recommended cloud storage option for all Strathclyde students is OneDrive for Business (OfB) which can be accessed here: Files on OneDrive are available on PCs in the Centrally Managed Labs and on the Windows Virtual Desktops as well as being available via a web interface or the OneDrive for Business client on a personal PC.

The H: and I: drives are useful for some use cases however access from offsite is slightly more difficult and the amount of storage space on offer is much less that on OneDrive. If you definitely need to use H: or I: then you can find details of how to access it here:

Note that Strathcloud was switched off at the end of August 2023 and is no longer available.

University Information

I think / know I have personal circumstance which are affecting my studies and assessments, what should I do?

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Please remember that class registrars, project supervisors, your adviser of studies and the overall Teaching and Learning Team in DMEM are here to support and advise you.

For your circumstances to be taken into account, you must follow the Personal Circumstances Procedure outlined by the university here:

This page very clearly sets out how to record and evidence your personal circumstances, how to request an extension and what other allowances might be made.

There is also a link, on that page, to the well-being services in the university to support you further

From March 2020, all mental health and wellbeing, disability and counselling appointments are being offered via video or telephone. Students also have the option of obtaining online support via email if this is preferable.

Students, and staff, can obtain immediate access to support via SilverCloud, our online CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) e-learning platform: .